What happened was this. Over the summer of '03, Carol's mom was staying with her while
here for carpal tunnel surgery.
She came back from the procedure with this huge block
of gray foam, meant to keep her arm supported in the right position for a bit.
It was this great monstrosity and I don't know if she actually even used it.
I saw it lying around, though, and knew right away that I'd use it,
somehow. Let's see, not the arm...or what about through here? Well no I guess not,
so can you...? Hey hang on, if you pull the front open here, you can slip it
on...your head! Well hey now, check this out!
The mirror confirmed that this was no mere funky-chunky block of foam. It was a mighty
helmet, towering high. In fact I realized it was meant to become the great helmet of
Galactus, Devourer of Worlds! (Obvious, I thought.)
This went on for entirely too long. Well I was amused. Long enough, as it turns out, that later Carol even began to address me properly. "Want some juice, Galactus?" I'd just stare and she'd sigh and roll her eyes, "Sorry -- 'Galactus, devourer of worlds' " :D
Over the following weeks I set about making the helmet properly. (None of this was anything to do with Halloween, by the way. It just needed to be done. But it'll certainly serve just fine as a Halloween costume, which at least provides some excuse of what I'll do with the thing. I suppose I'd wear it to the Fantastic Four Costume Ball, except of course there's no such thing. It'd be just me stomping around by myself in a big helmet.)
Carol initially thought I was devoting entirely too much energy to the construction,
and I don't see how I can argue the point. But she was not-so-secretly enjoying it, too,
and entirely encouraged me despite the obligatory scorn. Actually she kind of liked the
whole idea of Galactus once I explained who the heck he was. She even went online and
bought me a Silver Surfer action figure to go with it as herald. Carol is great! This
is not why I love her, but it doesn't hurt!
So here's how the transformation went...