Birthday Praise for Rob

October 1, 2005

One of the things I most admire about Rob is his taste in friends...
I'm blown away by how great Rob is with people, especially people he's just met. Salespeople, folks at parties, the person helping him out over the phone, it doesn't matter. He goes out of his way to find out everyone's name and immediately treats them like a personal friend, and just like that he's got an immediate rapport and puts everyone at ease. I have no idea if this is something he cultivated or just developed naturally, but I'm always amazed by how fluidly it comes to him.
--Mark Jackman
Personally, the thing that I admire most about Rob is his willingness to help. Honestly, he’d be willing to do almost anything in order to help a friend and that impresses me. Friendship means so much to him and it is so evident in his actions.
--Zach Bressler
We love Rob's curiosity and openness. He's inquisitive and seeks understanding of ideas new or different from his. Rob is so warm and friendly. His hugs are welcoming and sincere. He's enthusiastic and easy to talk with. He's genuinely interested in his friends' lives. He and Beth are truly part of our family. And, of course, best of all, he makes Beth happy.
--Brian Nolan & Gus Ruiz
One of the things I love about Rob is that he really listens to you. When he asks you a question, you know he actually wants to hear the answer.

And, he shows you that he loves you. He's also terrific with my kids!

--Holly Robertson
One of the things I most admire about Rob is how open and generous he is with sincere praise and practical help. He's always looking for an opportunity to make someone feel better about him/herself, and he's really good at it. He's a very loving man with a big heart who is never happier than when he is able to help someone--a high school student having a hard time finding a job, a friend struggling with a personal crisis, a family member needing computer help. You can always count on him, and he is incredibly cute ( I know it was supposed to be one thing that I admire, but I'm generally non-compliant) and PS I love him more than ANYONE has ever loved ANYONE, EVER.
Rob's awareness of microcosms and subtleties in everyday life is amazing. A true character!
Rob has this amazing ability to just pick a project, learn the skills it takes to do it...and then do it. A while back, when Palms were at their height of popularity, Rob learned the langauge to program a Palm application that cataloged all the disc golf courses. He is also one of those people that it doesn't matter whether he saw you 5 minutes ago, 5 weeks ago, 5 months just pick up right where you left off...I love that about him.
--Denise Bressler
I love the fact that Rob is still a kid at heart. He loves to play. He has all of these funky toys and stuff, lots of stuff. Of course I assume he has less stuff after the move, but still some stuff. I also like his nice smooth shiny head, but I don't know if that is the case anymore.
--Erol Kucukarslan
Rob is an exceptionally kind-hearted person who makes a point of expressing concern for and interest in everyone around him. He has great taste in friends. He's cheerful, lively, and an accomplished, intelligent card player beyond which I can think of no higher compliment. :)
--Becky Calvert Mock
Although there are about a million things that I love about Rob, one thing that I especially love that he is an exceptional person to talk to. He really listens, without much judgment and always with caring and support. He is present when he is listening, and if he drifts, I can always say "Me" and he's right back there with me. The conversations are real, and if I am upset about something stupid, or doing something self-defeating, he doesn't hesitate to tell me. And I can do the same with him, and he hears it, without getting defensive, because we know that "the quicker we can get back to being healthy, the more fun we are". It's a true friendship.

But that's the serious stuff. The other side is that he is the silliest, goofiest, most fun person to babble and giggle with. He has the same (sometimes even more warped) sense of the absurd that I do. Oh and his laugh is just the best, it makes you feel warm, and somehow important. How could I not love someone who thinks I'm funny and tells me I'm beautiful?

Rob has the spirit of a child, and I am so happy that he will be a part of my child's life. Children can always tell a quality person, and anyone who knows Rob, knows that children adore him. You can just see the love in his eyes when he laughs, or even when he cries with you. Have I said yet that I think he is great?

Oh, and most importantly...Rob is a poopy head.

--Roni Todd-Marino
It's almost impossible to pick one thing that I most admire about Rob. At the top of the list would have to be his incredible taste in women and his ability to win the heart of the most incredible woman I've ever known (of course as her mother I'm rather prejudiced). The happiness and joy Rob has brought to Beth is the first of the MANY reasons we love him. Rob is a good person in the best and truest sense of the word. He's loving, kind, thoughtful, sincere, intelligent, capable and always supportive of his family and friends. We love him very much and wish him the happiest of birthdays!!!
--Clint and Sharon Osthimer
I love Rob. I don't love a lot of men, and Rob is definitely a man and I love him. Rarely does anyone call me their best friend, let alone their "new best friend", nor buys me sushi when I happened to be in his area, takes time out of his day to check on me when he knows I'm either breaking up with or getting together with a new woman, and willingly enters into games of "one-up-the-other-person", knowing he will lose his lunch in the process. Rob is great, and should get to live to be 100 with looks stabilized at his current age.
--Jeremy Osborne
I've met few people who are as graceful and comfortable with others as Rob, and who can so easily elicit that response in return. I rarely feel completely comfortable with someone when I meet them or even after knowing them a very long time, but with Rob the first time I saw him juggling those ridiculous juggling pins and subsequently spending the evening, I was instantly at ease. His tremendous capacity to care, to listen and to be present is a rare and wonderful thing.
--Carol Thompson